Jul 28, 2006

10pm at a playground...

just had a wonderful talk with my friend, who's been studying in UK. he was sharing about how when he first went to UK, his attitude was that he was going there to reach out to people, a mission trip of sorts, and God has really been blessing his work in the UK.

but something he shared that really inspired me, was how God has been slowly changing his mindset... such that it doesn't matter where in the world he is any more... the whole world is a mission field. how we need to realise this truth... no matter where in the world you are, there are always people you can reach for Jesus, or people whom you can encourage in their walk...

he also talked about the one-to-one mentoring which he had over there, how richly it was blessing his life, and how that ministry is perhaps the most important one that a church can have... to really bring about change in people's lives.... something which i was talking about a few posts back.

nice talking to you, friend.