Apr 24, 2009

board games

stumbled onto a board games blog. gonna list a few here that sound interesting.

Wings of War.
Ave Caesar.
Nexus Ops.

I'm a big fan of games which portray their various settings well. Good gameplay is one thing, but I'd like an immersive experience to boot. That's why I'm hooked on Twilight Imperium 3 - galactic colonization, empires battling it out, and cool plastic miniatures that look plenty menacing by themselves. The different races add so much colour to the game. I just wish it didn't take 5 people 8 hours to play.

Did I mention I played it earlier this week. 8 hours at a table, and not once did anyone get up to use the toilet, get a snack, or even get water. That's 8 straight hours around someone's dining table, and I was super-adrenaline-rush at the end of it.

My holidays are coming, but the guy who borrows the game for us is off to UK again. dangsit!!

Apr 21, 2009


i am continually disappointed by my groupmates in every group project i do.

it was nice of you to offer to compile, but i noticed about 50 words misspelled. "dimer" is obviously not "dimmer", and considering that it's practically the main keyword of the entire project, and that we spent several lectures talking about it in class, i'd really expect you to be able to spell it. you're canadian, you're supposed to be smarter than the americans! and i noticed you didn't correct a single word written by the French guy, whose grammar and vocabulary is understandably poor. i mean, seriously, what?

i know that the Thai guy just isn't very good with his english, so i don't expect too much out of him, but i expected far better from you. really. and to think you offered to work 48 hours straight if need be. guess words don't mean much to you, huh?

as usual, i end up writing about half the report, and editing the other half too. and it's a 4-member team. whatever. i deliberately decided not to be selective about groupmates, 'cos i think that's just mean, so i guess this is what i get landed with. for what it's worth, i enjoyed the project, 'cos i think it'll be really good practice for thesis writing, but...

i wanted to write quite abit about Sunday's sermon, 'cos i thought it was the most interesting i've heard in awhile, but not really in the mood now.

on another note, i played a massive 5-player, 8-hour game of TI yesterday. woohoo! again!

Apr 17, 2009


just watched Cats. Tickets cost a small fortune, we were about 5 rows from the front on an aisle.

It was incredible. Amazing. Superb. A few highlights:

The actors really got into their roles. Part of the intro sequence involved some cats jumping up onto a wall (it was a high wall!) separating the stalls from the 1st circle, and reclining there in the spotlight. When the actors returned after the intermission, they did so through the audience, playfully tugging at loose bag straps along the way, and sticking their noses in between the seats. Two of them somehow got hold of someone's shoe, and sat in the middle of the aisle swatting the shoe at each other.

The final reprise of memory sent shivers down my spine all the way to my knees. Never felt that before. Teared abit too. Very powerful performance.

The show had more energy than a barrel full of duracell bunnies.

Apr 5, 2009


i'm very impressed with the guy at ieatishootipost.sg. after making his reputation as a local food expert, he's talking Christianity to his audience. he's had a Bible-Verse-of-the-Day at the bottom of his blog since forever, but this Good Friday he's issued an open invite to an evangelistic event.


on a separate note, my friend showed me an advertisement for a temp job that pays $250 a day. i so want that as a holiday job!! but it's only open to grads - teaching assistant at Republic Poly. i hear they don't even do much teaching there... mostly facilitating-style stuff, which i prefer anyway.