Sep 29, 2008

hooray for double standards *sarcasm*

so i was attempting to find library space to work on a presentation with a friend today. it is well-nigh impossible to get library space (with table, and power-point) anytime after 10am, and i was there at 4pm.

so i backed up into one of those "for cell-phone users only" rooms - i figured that since i needed to discuss the presentation, it was as good an alibi as any.

but nope, a librarian comes along after about 5 minutes and politely asks us to move. i argue abit, but he refuses to give in. so i move.

and then i notice that he hasn't bothered even approaching the other people in all the other cell-phone rooms to ask them to move. he just walked off!


and my latest VIVA was horrible. and i've just found an online comic strip that i like, and i've gone through about 600 back strips. only halfway through the archives, but that's still alot for a day when i was supposed to be working.

*edit: reached 1200 before sleeping. whoops*

Sep 25, 2008

Zion for whom...

Jer 32:17b

"...Zion for whom no one cares."

when the words you want to say get choked up in your throat.

i discovered a wound today.

if there's one thing i've been learning of late, it is this: the heart is central.


Sep 20, 2008

midnight adventure

in cell yesterday we were talking abit about how it was important to rid ourselves of the lies that have been placed in our hearts from our past. i guess it was in this context that i had abit of an adventure...

i sprained my knee mildly while playing soccer with the guys - the usual knee gave way again, but it wasn't a bad sprain, because i could walk without too much difficulty after a short rest. but since more soccer was obviously not an option, i decided to head back to hostel. it was then about 11:15pm - i figured i might just about catch the last 151 from clementi area into school. although i missed a 74 just as i arrived at the bus-stop, another one arrived within about 3 minutes.

i was looking anxiously out the back of the bus to see if any 151 was overhauling my bus - if there was, i would need to take emergency action. but i didn't see any other bus my whole journey to clementi, and as i got off at the last bus stop on clementi road, my watch read 11:48pm.

I took a moment to glance at the information board - Service 151, weekdays, last bus at 11:48pm. "Hmm", I thought, "the last bus is usually abit slow. Guess I made it in time." Just about then I received an sms. And by Murphy's law, while I was checking it, 151 zoomed by.

So I thought, "Sigh. Why does this always happen to me." Having missed my last bus, I figured there wasn't much point hanging around, so i started walking towards school. About 3 minutes later, another 151 went past me while I was crossing a traffic light. Sigh... Brilliant decision-making there. Had i just stopped to think for a moment, I would have caught that bus.

So I started asking God why. It's too coincidental not to be pre-arranged. I'm trying o hard to catch the last bus after blowing $7 on a 3-min cab ride last week, I make it there with 30 seconds to spare, my friend smses me at exactly the right moment, I end up walking with a sore knee, and the last bus mysteriously becomes the 2nd last bus. So in the context of what I was talking about earlier, I started identifying the belief statements that I had been spouting. 1) Bad stuff always happens to me. 2) My decision-making is poor.

Both statements are unbiblical. The second one especially hinders me in many things. Fear of making the wrong decision has often crippled me. So awareness is good.

yup, plenty more drama after that. Reached my room at 12:30am. 40 mins of talking to God is nice.

Sep 18, 2008


Tell me, O Octopus, I begs
Is those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I’d call me Us.
-Ogden Nash