Apr 29, 2005

of black holes, in more ways than one.

how can someone be so incredibly dense as not to realise that watching an Indian action movie approximately 2 metres away from someone who is trying to sleep on a floor with no access to earplugs is incredibly bad form? he must have the density ranging from somewhere between that of a neutron star and a black hole. the person in mind happens to be dark-skinned, so i'll go with the latter.

not to be racist or anything, but i think i'm just EXTREMELY not used to listening to Indian movies at ungodly hours of the night. especially Indian movies with their endless action scenes/chase scenes/dance scenes/song and dance scenes/market scenes/screaming monkey scenes. screaming monkeys just did it for me. i tried for HALF AN HOUR to subtly hint that i was having trouble sleeping, i wonder why gee, gave up, got up and WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM and i don't think he's noticed a thing. dense!!! way too worked up now to sleep anyway... hope i don't do something stupid like mouth off sarcastically at him later when he FINALLY stops... have retreated and attempted to do productive things. shalll probably politely ask him to shut the thing off once i'm done with all my productive things. bugger is talking with his gf at intervals, which probably explains why he has no attention left to notice the plight of the poor clerk in front of him.

i mean, seriously, Indian movie. not to be racist, i think i'm not used to it, but the music is jarring, their fast-paced nasal speech is jarring, and my nerves are shot to shit. i don't think i'll even sleep tonight.

making conscious effort not to hate this guy.


i find it frankly disturbing that my writing style on any given day is directly affected by what i have been reading in the recent past.

dang that was phrased badly. but anyhow.

it's like, i have no identity, so to say. i write as such because i have been reading such writing. which frankly brings up a whole slew of issues.

i discovered this miming aspect of my writing some time ago, and it has recently resurfaced in this thing you are reading. it reinforces something which my youth pastor (to-peh) often mentions (with regards to us humans), summed up as follows: what goes in, must come out

the things we choose to fill our minds with are the things that will eventually manifest themselves in our speech, our actions, our values. try making a tape of someone saying "F*CK YOU!", put it to loop continuously, listen to it for 5 minutes each night. guess what you'll say when someone next annoys you? no prizes for guessing. it's kinda like how songs get stuck in your head. (incidently i had some other things to say with regards to the phrase F*CK YOU!, so i'm typing it out in hopes of reminding myself to do it sometime.)

which is why we probably should avoid watching certain things, and reading certain things, so on and so forth. the words of a song from sunday school...

O be careful little eyes, what you see...

goes on to

O be careful little ears, what you hear


O be careful little feet, where you go

It's not so much that you'll be tempted into black magic or witchcraft or whatnot, although i suppose there IS a possibility there... mostly it's more about your values... how you react to annoying people, how you choose to relate to people, and the things you view as important in your life. these things (and probably a whole lot more) can be affected by content you expose yourself to, and it's not wise. In the words of Paul(was it paul?) in his letter to the Philippians:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

An important verse to practice to become more like Jesus.

I am hopeless at writing concise entries. If you still remember how i got onto that topic, it was from "a whole slew of issues". But i'm too lazy to write about that now.

later, peeps.

Apr 21, 2005

a fortnightly column?

i note from the dates of my posts that my last post was exactly 2 weeks ago. validating my fears that i don't have the persistence for this kinda thing. but i feel such an urge to share with people the things that i have, my perspectives of life, that give me such joy. most of the time, anyway.

i saw a couple of birds with "training rudders" yesterday. that's what it looked like, anyway. if it had been a still photo, you'd have thought that there was a little speck of dirt right behind the bird's tail. but watching it fly, i saw how the speck was a single long feather extending from the bird's tail... for better steering i suppose. and the term "training rudder" popped into my head... like training wheels on bikes, you know.

i saw a pair of cats yesterday, mother and daughter by the looks of it. one alot smaller, with exactly the same colorations, the smaller following the larger around. they were that beautiful tawny gold colour, the colour you only expect to see on lions and jaguars and the like. if you ignored the size of the thing, you could almost imagine the smaller cat being a jaguar, such were its proportions. saw the smaller one again on my return trip.

on saturday, 5 days ago, i was heading up to Woodlands to give tuition. a girl in school uniform approached me with a collecting tin - every saturday its Flag Day for some association or other. The girl was holding the tin and stickers in such a way that the stickers totally hid the emblem on the tin... i like to know who i'm giving to. found out that it was for the Down's Syndrome Association, which i think is a worthy cause, so i fished out my wallet, plucked out a ten dollar bill, and then i heard her gasp quite audibly. funny, but a little sad too, that it seems obvious to me that no one else saw fit to give any significant amount. i mean seriously, when you give, give like you mean it! what are you trying to say when you give 20 cents and take a sticker? "yes, i support you to the tune of 20 cents. Your charity is of such significance to me that i see fit to give you 20 cents." I don't think we were meant to follow the poor widow's example in giving two mites, but rather in giving ALL THAT WE HAVE. Colin Goh once wrote an insightful article about how people in Singapore were becoming desensitised to giving nowadays, giving as a form more than anything else.... how sad.

if you believe anything, yet act contrary to your belief, you are a hypocrite.
"Anyone who knows the good he ought to do, but doesn't do it, sins."

Apr 7, 2005

making excuses.

the reason i hadn't posted in such a long time was that i was rather overloaded at work... what with half the people in my office disappearing overseas and the workload mysteriously doubling, i was working non-stop for a whole week. since most of my posting is done in the office anyway, that kinda stopped with the dearth of free time. as you can see by this, the second post of the day, the workload has slackened off tremendously. thank God. was getting quite irritable by the end of last week...

which is a shame really, cos plenty happened last week, which i can barely remember... sad because i started this blog partly to keep track of how i would change as a person over the months and hopefully years.... and a week's worth of thoughts have slipped away..

so here i am, making excuses. not that i'm liable to anyone for not posting... but i'm sorry anyway.

listening to on radio now: Reach by Gloria Estefan. really nice song... heard it first when i was eight, i think. olympics 92? somewhere there lah...


Does it matter that i don't say witty or particularly deep things that might make people actually come back and want to read more, or that i rarely say anything here at all, given that my last post was what, 2 weeks ago? This blog is peripheral to my own existence, a frill, icing on the cake. At no point in time should i give my web presence more time than i do my Bible. After all, like it says in Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly, to love mercy,
And to walk humbly before your God