Feb 10, 2007


Been reading 1 Corinthians for my daily QT... i realised some time ago that the Bible actually refers to homosexuals fairly often... it condemns homosexual activity in manifold locations in both the old and the new testaments... and I came across one of those references again today in 1 Cor 6.

And the thought which has occured to me before, and struck me again today, is that such activities must have been fairly prevalent for the Bible writers to address them directly. Moses, in the Pentateuch, addresses all manner of deviant sexual behaviour including homosexual activity and sex with animals, specifically instructing the Israelites NOT to imitate any of the despicable practices of the tribes which they were about to displace. Paul urged the early Christians not to engage in activities such as homosexual activity and male prostitution, which must have been fairly mainstream if word of it traveled all the way to wherever Paul was writing from. Given that Paul wrote his letters in the first century AD, and that the Pentateuch was written well before that (church tradition places it around 1400 BC), we see that such problems are not unique to our modern culture.

And so perhaps the Bible is more relevant than we think it is.