Apr 24, 2009

board games

stumbled onto a board games blog. gonna list a few here that sound interesting.

Wings of War.
Ave Caesar.
Nexus Ops.

I'm a big fan of games which portray their various settings well. Good gameplay is one thing, but I'd like an immersive experience to boot. That's why I'm hooked on Twilight Imperium 3 - galactic colonization, empires battling it out, and cool plastic miniatures that look plenty menacing by themselves. The different races add so much colour to the game. I just wish it didn't take 5 people 8 hours to play.

Did I mention I played it earlier this week. 8 hours at a table, and not once did anyone get up to use the toilet, get a snack, or even get water. That's 8 straight hours around someone's dining table, and I was super-adrenaline-rush at the end of it.

My holidays are coming, but the guy who borrows the game for us is off to UK again. dangsit!!