Apr 17, 2009


just watched Cats. Tickets cost a small fortune, we were about 5 rows from the front on an aisle.

It was incredible. Amazing. Superb. A few highlights:

The actors really got into their roles. Part of the intro sequence involved some cats jumping up onto a wall (it was a high wall!) separating the stalls from the 1st circle, and reclining there in the spotlight. When the actors returned after the intermission, they did so through the audience, playfully tugging at loose bag straps along the way, and sticking their noses in between the seats. Two of them somehow got hold of someone's shoe, and sat in the middle of the aisle swatting the shoe at each other.

The final reprise of memory sent shivers down my spine all the way to my knees. Never felt that before. Teared abit too. Very powerful performance.

The show had more energy than a barrel full of duracell bunnies.