Mar 11, 2006

freedom rant

on monday begins approximately 4 and a half months of freedom.

things i hope to accomplish in that time:

1. neaten up room, specifically the stuff all over the shelves. figure out how to stop dust accumulating over the top of everything. figure out how to have a proper place for everything when i have so little shelf space. start keeping personal documents a little more organised.

2. make a habit of doing housework. its as good a time to start as any, hopefully teach me a little discipline.

3. keep away the army stuff. get rid of the trash, pack up the useful stuff nicely, and hide it in some deep, dark corner of the storeroom.

4. read some of the good books which have been collecting dust on my shelves. read a little bit everyday. perhaps listen to some of the tapes my sis has been putting into the comp... v. good stuff there from her bible school

5. exercise? a little bit of running, perhaps. abit of static.

6. almost forgot!! learn to cook. i need a book of local recipes... =) start with the stuff my dad whips up on a regular basis, and progress from there.

i've decided that morning is really the best time to get these things done. the afternoons are too hot to do very much. i've decided to use the air-conditioning a little more liberally when i'm at home in the afternoons, if only to improve my mood. and probably go out at nights. little / no intent of getting a job, might start tuition again if i can be bothered to go revise my JC stuff.... still procrastinating over driving... sigh. don't ever mention driving to me, it makes me grumpy for some reason. let me go do all my other happy things, and then i'll worry about it.