Mar 24, 2006

freedom is good for the complexion

and before people start asking me funny questions - the title is nonsense. just for fun, yah? =)

such a strange contradiction; in all of my freedom, i am posting less? well, it's hard to justify, seeing as my posting is so wonderfully inconsistent. if you can find a pattern in the frequency, congratulations and don't tell me about it.

the question on everybody's lips now is, so what are you going to do with your free time? it comes in several guises, starting from the open-ended "So you've got a lot of free time now lah" to the somewhat more direct "So are you looking for a job?"

and everywhere i turn i sense a small amount of disapproval that the answer to the latter question is no. maybe i'm paranoid, i dunno. there's a pretty good chance that i'm imagining the disapproval coming from others, because within my own head, the accusing voice still lurks, telling me to "please go and do something with your life instead of wasting it away." it's a persistent voice.

and i guess i don't really know how true it is... but the important thing is that with what i'm doing now, i have peace within myself, and i'm usually happy. sometimes i believe the voice, and then it depresses me.

someone expressed the opinion that she'd go nuts from boredom if she had this kind of free time - i'm quite glad i'm not her, then. only one person (thanks melvin, but i don't think you read this) said that taking a break was a good idea... before school starts and i throw myself back into the grind for the rest of my life, yeah?

today, i totally rearranged my room, and cleaned up a whole bunch of things. the only thing which remained stationary was my heavily-overladen bookshelf, which i dare not move for fear of it falling on my head.

and my bed has shifted itself to the middle of the room. its a weird configuration, especially considering that my room is only three times the width of my bed, and one-and-a-half times the length. its like, the bed is in the middle, and everything else revolves around it. (seems to reflect the life i'm living now pretty well ;-).) so there's a narrow corridor on both sides, one of which is completely blocked by the desk which i shoved in there. and it gets weirder.

the desk, being in such a narrow location, has no room for an accompanying chair. inspired by my sis kat, i pushed the bed right up to the desk, so the bed functions as the seat. space saving.

and there's a little island of floor in the corner of the room, walled off by my desk and the bed, inaccessible by normal walking, which is there because of the power socket in that corner, which i cannot block off with the desk. there's a rolling shelf residing in that corner now.

the concept behind this room layout is basically this: i don't want to leave corners for dust bunnies to breed. i mean, seriously - in my room, dust bunnies breed like rabbits... i exterminated so many today that the hand-held vacuum seems to be clogged, and the SPCA will be after me soon.

and i have achieved mild success in figuring out where things should go... in assigning specific locations for specific types of items, so that more things have a proper place now. the problem that perenially plagues me is that i don't know where things should go... so they end up clogging up any available space. insufficient shelf space is blamed for this. but since i cleared out the army stuff, and probably will throw away another bunch of stuff tomorrow, hopefully this problem will be resolved. i also intend to invest one of those cupboard things for papers and stuff in anticipation of school upcoming.

i also designated a "dumping ground" right next to the door, in the hopes of isolating the mess to that region. or so i hope.

so that was today. i'm quite happy. i'd like to emphasise again the importance of having good music to accompany boring work - today, it's the "Shrek" soundtrack!! yeah!! credit also to "Petra Praise 2", which does a really cool rock twist to some familiar praise songs...