Mar 25, 2006

freedom is also good for the soul

more nonsense in the title. yay. actually its not really nonsense... its just not well-thought-through.

if someone offends you, and you forgive the person, the relationship is not yet mended. this is something i have come to realise.

you can make a conscious decision to forgive the person, and not to hold the thing against him/her, but still feel very awkward talking to the person. it has happened to me, and i wondered why.

then i realised that the person never apologised to me... without a frank admission of the problem at hand, there can be no resolution, and no mending.

its abit like how God has forgiven us all our sins - the forgiveness is freely given. but we can have no relationship with God until we confess the sins before Him and make ourself right with Him again.

similarly, there are times that although i have forgiven the person, i still feel very uncomfortable associating with that person... and sometimes i wonder if i have truly forgiven the person in my heart, and i begin to doubt myself again... but the truth is that the relationship is strained because the other person has not made peace with me... and the tension can be felt on both sides.

a gem of truth (i think), that jumped me today while i was showering.