Nov 13, 2005

oh the irony of it all...

is that when i have a thousand things to say here, its when i have no time. too busy doing all the things that i sometimes feel like talking about. sigh....

events of note:

bought iPod mini. it is green. it seems like this is one of those possessions which may end up possessing the owner if he is not careful. beware.

the setup is annoying me. i suppose that getting it second hand means that i may have been short-changed the EZ Guide to Setting Up Your iPod Mini, which is proving frustrating. i need someone to teach me how to use iTunes. please?

heckuva taxing week. two guard duties, as well as one other "wayang" show where i stayed back in the office till 0130am in the morning, doing absolutely nothing, just to show that my branch is doing some work. firstly, it was a near-total waste of time. secondly, i doubt i did the image of my branch any good by sitting around reading /sleeping. thirdly, it was at least the third four-hour-of-sleep night i have had this week, which tends to impede the brain functionality. and the other nights weren't great either.

passed driving, basic theory. attempted to book a date for the advanced theory yesterday, but by some convergence of unfortunate circumstances, my test has been booked for this coming friday. morning. and i haven't even cracked open the theory book yet. i foresee a minor miracle, because it occurs to me that if i somehow pass the test now, i can book a driving test before i end army, which was what i was planning around.

and to think i haven't even gotten a driving instructor yet. perhaps planning too far ahead. ah well.

oh yeah, and effective immediately, i'm renouncing dota. having been addicted to it for about a month now, i think things have gone abit too far. i've spent seven hours this weekend playing, a rate which i haven't reached perhaps since the halcyon days of secondary school, when i would play ten hours in a single day. i have since renounced those days, and have no intention of reverting to my hedonistic self. i authorise anyone seeing me playing, or even reading about dota online, to issue a verbal warning. y'know, like "halt! put your hands in the air". stuff like that.

upcoming major exercise in camp, which is rumoured to be stay-in for two weeks. i have been slated to do a job which i have no idea how to do. it seems to pose yet another major hurdle to me turning up for musical rehearsals. sigh...

there is nary a moments to lose. we are all involved in a mission that is far greater than any of our daily troubles, and i struggle to remember that each minute and each second. i try, and i fail, but hey! at least nowadays i even try. it's a great improvement, yet there are miles to go.

everyday, i see more of my frailty. there is nothing good in man, not one thing. O wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death?

Hosanna, hosanna to the Lamb that was slain.
Hosanna, hosanna, Jesus died and rose again.

reading: The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel. anyone got a good book to lend me?

hallelujah, the iPod appears to be working. shame i can't bring it to camp though. saw a iPod Nano just now... looks fragile. does not fit into hand well. plus it was pink. happier with this one that i have.