Jan 8, 2006

after that last post, i felt rather uncomfortable... i don't think self-criticism is a healthy trait... leads to poor self-esteem and self-fulfilling prophecies. but it seemed to me that sometimes its necessary to highlight the nastier sides of you... to bring it into the light for some good ol' polishing up.

i realise after reading some blogs that perhaps, instead of listing all my bad points, i should be listing prayer pointers. =). credit to sarah.

the prayer pointer for myself has never changed, although i may have forgotten it sometimes; covered under the more immediate and seemingly more pressing prayers of 'strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow'... but somewhere deep inside of me, it has not changed - to get deeper into His Word, deeper into His love, deeper in knowledge and intimacy with Him. although i hardly know what intimacy means.

Take me deeper
Deeper in love with You
Jesus hold me close in Your embrace.
Take me deeper
Deeper than I've ever been before
I just want to love You more and more
How I long to be deeper in love.