Dec 6, 2005

GEPers? %@!

been a spate of articles in Today regarding the elitist nature of those who are in the Gifted Education Programme.

of all the arguments, the only one that makes sense to me is that students of every kind and creed tend to hang out with people from their own class. and by some strange coincidence, GEPers' classmates are... MORE GEPERS!!! a more amazing leap of logic i have never deduced.

and, contrary to the newspaper report, we are not known even to ourselves as GEPers. we are known... as ... jeeps. take it from a "GEPer" himself. newspaper should REALLY try to get accurate information before publishing it for public misinformation.

and i REALLY, REALLY think that a SUB-EDITOR of the Today newspaper would have more SENSE and TACT than to compare GEPers with lepers. I officially register my displeasure, and wish the writer a plague of whitish skin that eventually causes his digits to fall off.

honestly. and i haven't even seen an apology from the newspaper.