Aug 25, 2005

all my titles are really unimaginative...

yesterday was abit of a nutty day for me. just abit. might have been macadamia nuts, or perhaps just mixed nuts.

woke at about five. to study. yes, SAF personnel, study. currently on course, which means i need to begin to understand certain new and very unfamiliar things, but i was actually studying C Math for A levels, attempting to get my head around the latter bits of Stats so as to actually be of some assistance to the poor souls who have me teaching them. breakfast, abit of stoning, then study until about 6.30ish, when my brain refuses to cooperate anymore and i end up reading my "Get Fuzzy" compendium till its time to go.

was not happy about being on course. i mean, its better than working, i suppose, in that i have fewer responsibilities, and less work to do, but the pointlessness of it all was getting to me, seeing as its a course for a scenario which i will never have to experience, and i can say with certainty that i will never have to use any of the information which i learn in the course of my current appointment.

but in the depth of my angst i chose to remember my lesson from the previous night, to know and believe and trust that all things which fall to me are placed there for reasons unfathomable by my Father who is in Heaven, and that that reason alone is enough to accept and even embrace all things which come my way, and to rejoice. and the day passed uneventfully, and i may have aced the little mini-test which was set at the end of that day.

but the dark and early start to the day ('twas not bright and early, cos the sun had yet to rise) was telling, and i was nursing a woozy head soon enough, with class upcoming in the evening. and i prayed.

i have discovered conclusively that when i pray before giving tuition, choosing to trust in God and to depend on His wisdom and strength to teach, the lesson goes better. a half-formed snippet of a phrase wanders in my subconscious - "but it is the Lord who gives understanding." as far as i could tell, the guys were actually enjoying stats, which is frankly incredible since i don't enjoy it at all. and i think i still have materiel for next week. super awesome.

and then i attempted to study for my course on the way home. reading CONFIDENTIAL documents on an 852 on the way home... didn't seem entirely right, but oh well. whoops =).

Hosanna, hosanna to the Lamb that was slain.
Hosanna, hosanna, Jesus died, and rose again.