May 8, 2005

i6uuaq has been placed on your ignore list

just attempted chatting with a couple of people on MSN. saddened that neither of them see fit to reply to my queries. sigh... rather depressing.

i'd love to think that its not deliberate, and, judging by what i know of them, i don't think they'd ignore me, but still....

i would never ignore someone who started a chat with me... even if i'm in a rush and have but time to exchange a few pleasantries. if anyone reading this has done this before, please don't. it's not pleasant. 'twould be rude doing that in RL, and i see no reason why it should be different online.

actually, this happens so often to me, i'm beginning to think i see a real trend here. and the conclusions i draw from that are downright depressing. these are people i would normally consider "friends". being ignored simply compromises my already-fragile self-worth.

this song touched me once, long ago.
Oh yes, I'm the great Pretender.
Pretending my life's going well.
My need is such,
I pretend too much.
I'm lonely, but no one can tell...

to be ignored by people i consider friends. i choose to believe it wasn't deliberate. off to find solace.