Nov 9, 2008


my sisters bought my dad a pedometer some days ago. its a cute little device that you're supposed to put in your pocket, and it counts how many steps you've taken with it in your pocket.

it's a cool concept, except that i managed to 'walk' a few hundred steps for my dad by bouncing it on my knee. plus, after he dropped it a few times, it seems prone to going walking all by itself.

as i was bouncing it on my knee, i could feel a weighted spring inside oscillating, so i guess that's how it works. but the question that popped into my mind as i fiddled around with the device it this: is someone who loves to walk alot called a pedophile? :D

side note: IIRC, the Brits spell it with a letter 'a' near the front. Americans can't spell. :)

on an utterly unrelated note, this is something else that was bouncing around my head this morning.

Q: Give one example of a cardinal sin.

A: Pooping in the birdbath.

(in case you didn't get it, click here)