Jan 1, 2007

Happy New Year

happy new year.

didnt sleep a wink last night, but just crashed out the entire afternoon.

watched chronicles of narnia again (in bits), and i really enjoyed the bits i watched, especially how the relationship between the two brothers develops throughout the story, and the character development in general. there were some bits i felt were not particularly well-acted, but it was quite good overall.

looking at the allegorical view of it, there was one part which i was very familiar with, but that i never really thought about? the whole bit about 'he'll be coming and going, he's not a tame lion, you know'. and i suppose it's something to do with the whole omnipresence vs manifest presence that i've heard about, but what i really wonder is, what's the significance of Aslan not being around? Do we then not have guidance in those times, and rely on our own sense of judgement? After all, in the novels it seem that Aslan only appears in times of great trials - what happens in the times of relative peace?

and it's a question that has much relevance in our lives... i mean, we often hear the lament that it's only in our troubled times that we turn to God, but C.S. Lewis seems to be writing that it's only in our troubled times that He draws near to us.

played soccer in the social hall for over two hours. blistered feet. really miss soccer.

visited the Botanic gardens in the morning. walked my feet off. saw 'ang moh' ducks sitting in a tree, and a host of Lesser Whistling Ducks as well. saw a terribly grumpy looking heron (think it's a grey heron?) who had been sitting immobile, and all hunched over on a branch the entire morning. Saw stork-billed kingfisher, which is the yellow-headed one, as well as the comical white-breastd waterhen with the funny red bum which bobs up and down as it walks. spent two hours there, strolling, and was absolutely shattered by the end of it. home, and rest.

my days are filling up much faster than i want them to, and school hasn't even started yet. the holidays were far too full, and i'm feeling distinctly put off-balance by the stuff which still needs to be done. i want one full day at home to do some of this stuff, but i don't think it's happening.