Sep 7, 2006

faith that brings freedom

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

I learnt something recently about faith, that's been quite freeing.

Sometimes it's hard to have faith in God for miracles. Hard to believe that miracles happen in this day and age, although i've heard so many testimonies of it happening. In the back of my mind is always the thought, "What if I ask for this, and it doesn't come true? What does that say about my God?" God knows its happened often enough. Prayers rejected, sometimes many in a row, leave me wondering where my faith is. I hate the doubting, so sometimes I don't dare to ask.

something i learnt recently... not sure where from. perhaps it was revelation. no bible references either.. =).. so terrible.

what is our faith based on? ponder this for a moment.

our faith is not based on God's past faithfulness, even though this may provide a very convincing case by itself. No, our faith is based on who God is, who by very nature is as faithful as man is faithless. If I ask God for something, and it does not come true, it no longer shakes my faith, because my faith is not based on God's track record. and so I have become emboldened to ask for things, and in yet another counter-intuitive result, my prayers are now answered more often than not. How i never have to wait more than a minute to get a seat in Science canteen at lunch hour, or never fail to get a seat on the train when i really want one.

tomorrow's Nav rally is on faith. think i'm skipping cell again to go and listen. sigh... not really sure where my priorities lie now... physics pracs again next week!! oh nose!!