Jul 24, 2013


Hmm. I hear that students have discovered this blog.

I've been wondering when this would happen. I didn't exactly go out of my way to hide it.

I guess most people would advise me to take it down, or password-protect it, or something. But in my naive, idealistic understanding of integrity, I don't think I need to be ashamed of how I used to think, or who I used to be. Or may still be, for that matter. Prudence is not a virtue I hold dear.

Would people disagree with this action? Certainly. But I'm pretty sure I've mentioned to my students that holding fast to your ideals always comes with a cost, and that each person must decide if the price is worth it. Am I strange to attach such significance to such a small action? Read my blog - I've always been strange that way.

Having said that, we've also talked in PCCG about how stuff you leave on the Internet is out there forever, and can't be retrieved. This is living proof.

To the student who alerted me about this: Thank you for choosing to respect my privacy. The fact that I chose to do nothing with the information is my fault, not yours.