disclaimer: whatever you see and read in this site will hopefully disappear in a very short while. i've had so many things that i've wanted to put on a website for people to see that everytime i sign up for a blogging service i get overwhelmed by the thoughts clamouring to be the first one out of my head. i need a pensieve (fictional item).
so therefore. what you see here is the temporal home of any fevered muses which burst out of my head, a place to keep these whirling thoughts so that i free up enough brain space to get some structure to a blog. in the meantime, here's a muse.
in the beginning... i re-read the first chapter of the first book of the bible some weeks back. you the bit which describes the creation of the world... i'm not about to debate the whole creation/evolution thing - that's for another time, but sit back for awhile and imagine creation unfolding the way it was written in the bible.... from the formless and void deeps.... to the dry and empty land... to the lush vibrant greenery... and then the bursting forth of new life as God created the living beings..... and then a thought occured to me.
"Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17.
cool huh. it was quite an awe-inspiring thought. THAT's how much we change when we accepted Christ.